Even aangevuld
- #103882 - eind/05 - PHuys (Karoo Duties Fee #107260 – mid/09)
- #103935 - 31/05 - havana (GEANNULEERD)
- #104051 - 03/06 - Melda (GEANNULEERD)
- #104330 - 10/06 - Corrosie
- #104395 - 13/06 - wm (GEANNULEERD)
- #104400 - 16/06 - JTaelman
- #104411 - 13/06 - Djee (GEANNULEERD)
- #104452 - 14/06 - DELTAROMEO (Karoo Duties Fee #107227 – 14/09)
- #104788 - 26/06 - Echo
- #105083 - 10/07 - armclassic-fan (GEANNULEERD)
- #105130 - 12/07 - kennis (GEANNULEERD)
- #105984 - 09/08 - detest
- #106020 - 10/08 - marcelflash
- #106623 - 26/08 - Japie carbon (GEANNULEERD)
- #106760 - 03/09 - bkrmn (GEANNULEERD)
- #106??? - 04/09 - _Chris(GEANNULEERD)
- #107001 - 1e week/09 - hendrikjan
- #107009 - 07/09 - Lcsmet (GEANNULEERD)
- #10708X - 11/09 - willem... (GEANNULEERD)
- #107597 - 29/09 - mauro53
- #107657 - 04/10 - Vincent75 (GEANNULEERD)
- #10755x - 11/10 - Boris Wagner (GEANNULEERD) (Bron Facebook)
- #108051 - 03/11 - BigFloor
- #108074 - 11/11 - oldandslow
- #108155 - 15/11 – kennis (GEANNULEERD)
- #108352 - 06/12 - henk-marianne
- #108486 - 12/12 – danclo (GEANNULEERD)
- #onbekend - **/** - Stoffa (GEANNULEERD)
- #onbekend - **/** - ddetaye (GEANNULEERD)
- #onbekend - **/** - Kilowatt (GEANNULEERD)
Grafiekje op basis van de ordernummers.
Hammerhead Hi Chris - Thank you for taking the time to compile and chart some of the information from our friends over on the fiets.nl forums. Very diligent! Some of what you've deduced would make sense, from the consumer standpoint, although a few critical details make your conclusions a bit misleading. Still, we appreciate the effort, just as we appreciate the original question of Mr. Hukka. There's understandable curiosity within the community about these details of our operation, but for a few reasons, we're not going to release certain information about order volumes, shipping sequence, and some other things. And again, anyone who's not satisfied with our communication efforts is welcome to seek a refund at any time. Short of that, we look forward to sharing some good news hopefully very soon!
Refund dus maar aangevraagd