Pagina 84 van 1500

Geplaatst: 26 feb 2009 16:01
door dario
Ach, er zullen altijd wel sponsoren gevonden worden. En als de echte mega-deals uitblijven: een beetje afslanken betekent nog niet de dood - integendeel! Het zijn juist de gigantische bedragen die er nu mee gemoeid zijn die de dood van de sport betekenen (zie ook voetbal).

Geplaatst: 27 feb 2009 20:04
door timo2.0
en anders nemen ze gewoon de vreemdste sponsors. Als ze maar betalen. Hoe heette die amateurploeg (Topcompetitie) ook alweer die in de jaren negentig door een seksshop gesponsord werd? :p

Geplaatst: 28 feb 2009 15:01
door dario
Tja, da's natuurlijk wèl een probleem, dat naarmate de 'normale' sponsoren afhaken er steeds meer van dubieus allooi zullen opduiken (en dan denk ik niet aan seksshops - Beate Uhse?, maar wèl aan Ruski's en maffieuze roebels; zie - ook alweer - voetbal...)

Geplaatst: 09 mar 2009 15:24
door rogi
Slechte reclame is ook reclame. Al jaren sponsor, maar pas na de tour van 98 wist het grote publiek pas dat Festina een horloge fabrikant is. Gevolg: mega-omzet.

Het hele dopingverhaal is onderdeel van de huidige commercie rond het wielrennen en het sporten in het algemeen. Het volk verwacht heroïsche prestaties > commercie ziet een enorm publiek dat bereikt kan worden door te sponsoren > wielrenners / sporters zijn tot alles bereid voor de roem / het geld, whatever > sublieme prestaties, publiek tevreden > af en toe valt er eentje door de mand > interessant voer voor de media, die de sport maar verkettert en er zelf bij floreert > door alle media aandacht veel (negatieve) publiciteit op de korte termijn, echter de sponsornaam blijft wel hangen bij het grote publiek > volk denkt het was te mooi om waar te zijn, maar staat de volgende dag weer te juichen voor een nieuwe held...

En zo is het cirkeltje rond. Iedereen tevreden, enkel de gevallen helden zijn slachtoffer. En het fraaiste is dat diegenen met publiciteitswaarde naderhand weer in genade worden aangenomen > pure commercie.

Geplaatst: 17 apr 2009 19:17
door rob74
we hebben er weer een geval bij: schreef:RIJSWIJK - De Amerikaanse wielrenner Tyler Hamilton is opnieuw betrapt op doping. Dat meldt de internationale wielersite Cyclingnews. Hamilton is bij een controle buiten de wedstrijden om betrapt op het gebruik van de steroïde DHEA.

Hamilton verklaarde op de hoogte te zijn geweest van het gebruik van het bewuste middel dat een ingrediënt was van een vitaminepreparaat dat hij gebruikte om een depressie tegen te gaan. Hij heeft besloten zijn loopbaan te beëindigen.

Hamilton (38) loopt sowieso kans op een een straf variërend van een schorsing van acht jaar tot levenslang nadat hij in 2004 al was betrapt op illegale bloedtransfusie. Daarvoor werd hij voor twee jaar geschorst.
Een recidivist!! Het zal wel nooit ophouden

Geplaatst: 17 apr 2009 19:20
door fizik

Het was net een poosje rustig rond het dopingverhaal.

Geplaatst: 17 apr 2009 20:33
door perik
Wat een malloot! Steroïden in een vitaminepreparaat? Dat kende ik nog niet.

Geplaatst: 17 apr 2009 21:00
door casran
perik schreef:Wat een malloot! Steroïden in een vitaminepreparaat? Dat kende ik nog niet.

Zal wel meer dan alleen een vitaminepreparaat zijn, als ie het als antidepressivum gebruikte. Daar kunnen wellicht wel pepmiddelen in zitten, vermoed ik. Maar als beroepssporter moet je 'r gewoon afblijven. Er zijn toch altijd zuivere alternatieven voor zo'n behandelingen, niet? Op zijn minst lijkt hij er nu eerlijk rond te doen en de eer aan zichzelf te houden. Al doet hij er zijn sponsor en de wielersport alweer geen cadeau mee.

Man man...

Dit artikel is overigens net 1 dag oud, pijnlijk... let op de zin die ik onderstreepte:
Pevenage openhartig: "Wenen bakermat bloeddoping"

Illegale bloedtransfusies van topsporters in Oostenrijk zijn volgens Rudy Pevenage al jaren een "publiek geheim". Dat zegt de vertrouwensman van ex-renner Jan Ullrich in de Zwitserse krant Neuen Zürcher Zeitung. "In de wielersport wisten we drie jaar geleden al dat Wenen de bakermat van bloeddoping was. Toen ik uitgesloten werd in de Tour de France was Eufemiano Fuentes dus heus niet de enige die een dopingweb gesponnen had." Over het eigen aandeel in de affaire rond dopingarts Eufemiano Fuentes vertelt de 55-jarige Pevenage niets.

"Er zijn ook nog dopingnesten in Zuid-Italië", vertelt Pevenage nog. "Dat wist toen de helft van de sportieve leiders, er werd alleen niet over gepraat." Pevenage is sinds begin dit jaar bij het Amerikaanse Rock Racing aan de slag. "De meesten bij mij in de ploeg hebben nog nooit iets met doping te maken gehad", vertelt hij. "De anderen, met name José Enrique Gutierrez, Oscar Sevilla, Tyler Hamilton en Paco Mancebo, hebben zo geleden door hun verleden dat ze nooit nog doping zullen aanraken. Sevilla leeft nu in Colombia op 3000 meter hoogte. Hij heeft betere bloedwaarden dan vroeger." (belga/dea)

Geplaatst: 17 apr 2009 21:03
door timper
C a s r a n schreef:
perik schreef:Wat een malloot! Steroïden in een vitaminepreparaat? Dat kende ik nog niet.

Zal wel meer dan alleen een vitaminepreparaat zijn, als ie het als antidepressivum gebruikte. Daar kunnen wellicht wel pepmiddelen in zitten, vermoed ik. Maar als beroepssporter moet je 'r gewoon afblijven. Er zijn toch altijd zuivere alternatieven voor zo'n behandelingen, niet? Op zijn minst lijkt hij er nu eerlijk rond te doen en de eer aan zichzelf te houden. Al doet hij er zijn sponsor en de wielersport alweer geen cadeau mee.

Man man...

Dit artikel is overigens net 1 dag oud, pijnlijk... let op de zin die ik onderstreepte:
Pevenage openhartig: "Wenen bakermat bloeddoping"

Illegale bloedtransfusies van topsporters in Oostenrijk zijn volgens Rudy Pevenage al jaren een "publiek geheim". Dat zegt de vertrouwensman van ex-renner Jan Ullrich in de Zwitserse krant Neuen Zürcher Zeitung. "In de wielersport wisten we drie jaar geleden al dat Wenen de bakermat van bloeddoping was. Toen ik uitgesloten werd in de Tour de France was Eufemiano Fuentes dus heus niet de enige die een dopingweb gesponnen had." Over het eigen aandeel in de affaire rond dopingarts Eufemiano Fuentes vertelt de 55-jarige Pevenage niets.

"Er zijn ook nog dopingnesten in Zuid-Italië", vertelt Pevenage nog. "Dat wist toen de helft van de sportieve leiders, er werd alleen niet over gepraat." Pevenage is sinds begin dit jaar bij het Amerikaanse Rock Racing aan de slag. "De meesten bij mij in de ploeg hebben nog nooit iets met doping te maken gehad", vertelt hij. "De anderen, met name José Enrique Gutierrez, Oscar Sevilla, Tyler Hamilton en Paco Mancebo, hebben zo geleden door hun verleden dat ze nooit nog doping zullen aanraken. Sevilla leeft nu in Colombia op 3000 meter hoogte. Hij heeft betere bloedwaarden dan vroeger." (belga/dea)

O ironie van het lot...

Geplaatst: 17 apr 2009 21:09
door timo2.0
Wat achtergronden... ... is-morning
Tyler Hamilton retires following second positive doping test

By Charles Pelkey
Posted Apr. 17, 2009

American national road champion Tyler Hamilton announced his retirement from cycling on Friday after confirming that he tested positive for a banned substance present in an herbal supplement he used to treat depression.

The 38-year-old Hamilton confirmed that he is tested positive for Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) a multi-functional steroid he said was present in an herbal remedy he used after he had stopped using prescription anti-depressants.

Hamilton said his depression was initially diagnosed in 2003, a year that on the surface “was the best year of my life.”

“Depression has been in my family for a long time,” Hamilton said. “I sought treatment in September in 2003.”

Hamilton said he’d been using prescription anti-depressants since then, none of which are banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency. However, after his recent divorce, his mother’s diagnosis of cancer and other personal issues, Hamilton said he began to experience more severe symptoms and first attempted to double his dosage of those prescriptions.

Feeling the side-effects, he then stopped taking the drugs entirely, which then further exacerbated his problems with depression. Hamilton said he turned to a “homeopathic” remedy that included herbs, such as St. John’s wort and DHEA.

"I took a banned substance so I need to take whatever penalty they will give me and move forward," Hamilton said.

Hamilton suggested that he knew the supplement contained a banned substance when he took it on February 8 and 9, but acted out of a sense of desperation.

“Anything you can do – even if it was hitting yourself over the head with a hammer — to make yourself feel better, you’d do it,” he said.

“Did I take it for performance-enhancement? Absolutely not,” he said. “You can look at my results at the Tour of California.”

Hamilton said he decided to retire solely in order to deal with issues related to his illness and said his 2004 suspension and the possibility of a life-time ban for a second offense were not factors in his decision to retire.

"Today is about my leaving the sport and to talk about my depression, not the past," he said. "I don't want to talk about that anymore. It's about moving forward and taking care of myself.”

Hamilton disputed one report that he had admitted to having doped in 2004.

“The rest of my past is my past,” he said “I’ve already spoken about it.”

Hamilton said he was tested just one day after taking the remedy and stopped soon after. He was tested again on the eve of the Tour of California and that test, said Hamilton, showed no metabolites of DHEA.

Hamilton was joined on the call by Rock Racing owner Michael Ball, attorney Chris Manderson and Scott Analytics president, Paul Scott. Scott was under contract in 2008 to conduct Rock Racing’s own internal monitoring program, a contract which expired in December.

Scott said he doubted whether DHEA offered any significant benefit to an athlete hoping to gain a performance boost.

“Frankly I don’t think it would be effective to treat depression, nor do I think it would be effective in enhancing performance,” he said.

Hamilton had been staying at Ball’s home in California in February and the team owner said he noticed that Hamilton had been particularly quiet during the stay.

“I knew something was up and I wish I would have addressed it at the time,” Ball said. “I feel a little responsible … I wish I hadn’t put the pressure on Tyler (to win).”

Manderson, Hamilton’s attorney, said that he and his firm were prepared to challenge USADA’s authority in the case in U.S. Federal court, but Hamilton declined to pursue the matter.

Despite Hamilton’s retirement, USADA retains jurisdiction over the case under the provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code. Article 7.6 of the Code specifically notes that the applicable agency retains jurisdiction in the case until the process is completed, whether or not the athlete chooses to leave the sport.

USADA chief executive Travis Tygart said that the case is an ongoing matter and that he wasn’t prepare to comment beyond confirming “that Tyler Hamilton tested positive for testosterone or its precursors through carbon isotope analysis by the WADA-accredited laboratory at UCLA.”

Carbon isotope testing is generally used as a follow-up test to confirm the presence of exogenous testosterone or its precursors when an initial testosterone/epitestosterone test indicates a ratio in excess of four-to-one. However, drug testing laboratories have relied solely on the CIR test in other cases. Tygart declined to say whether Hamilton’s CIR test was triggered by an abnormal T/E ratio.

Manderson said he will continue to represent Hamilton in the case until it is fully adjudicated.

“Although Mr. Hamilton has now retired from the sport of cycling and has publicly accepted responsibility, this is a pending matter,” said Tygart. “USADA will make an announcement of the final outcome and imposition of the exact sanction in accordance with the rules when the process is complete, which should be in the coming months.”

Hamilton has already served a two-year suspension for homologous blood-doping, following laboratory test results which showed the presence of a secondary population of red blood cells in a sample taken at the 2004 Vuelta a España.

World Anti-Doping Organization regulations generally call for a two-year suspension for a first-time violation of the World Anti-Doping Code and up to a life-time ban for any further violations.

That penalty could be reduced if Manderson succeeds in pressing Hamilton’s claim that there mitigating factors leading to the February 9 violation.

Good luck, bad luck and scandal
Hamilton began his career as a stagaire — an amateur development rider — on the then-dominant Coors Light cycling team, after having captained the University of Colorado squad in its successful bid for a national collegiate championship in 1993.

He landed his first professional contract in 1995, joining the U.S. Postal Service team, competing in his first Tour de France in 1998. He was a member of the Tour-winning Postal team in 1999 and 2000 before switching to CSC in 2001.

It was at CSC that Hamilton emerged as a serious overall contender in grand tours, despite being often plagued by injuries. In 2002, Hamilton crashed in the Giro d’Italia, fractured a bone in his shoulder and still managed to finish second in the overall standings.

He went on to win Liège-Bastogne-Liège in 2003, a classics victory he soon followed up winning Switzerland’s Tour of Romandie in May. Hamilton entered the 2003 Tour de France as one of the favorites to reach the final podium in Paris, but cracked his collarbone in major crash at the end of stage 1. Despite the pain, Hamilton remained in the race and embarked on a successful 142-kilometer solo break to win stage 16 of the Tour. He eventually finished fourth in the overall standings.

Hamilton moved to Phonak in 2004 and was designated that team’s leader for the Tour de France. However, his bad luck continued and he withdrew during the 13th stage of the race suffering from injuries sustained a week earlier in another crash.

Hamilton’s first brush with doping authorities had occurred earlier that year, when UCI officials notified his Phonak team of “irregularities” in blood samples submitted by the rider during that May’s Tour of Romandie.

One of the tests in question showed that Hamilton had a blood hematocrit level (the percentage of red blood cells) of 49.7 percent. That level stood in stark contrast to other test results that showed Hamilton’s hematocrit to be as low as 38 percent. The numbers would now trigger an investigation under the UCI’s new biological passport program, but those regulations were not yet in place and Hamilton simply received a warning.

He continued to ride through the season, competing in the Tour de France, dropping out due to crash-related injuries, but recovering in time for the 2004 Olympics in Athens. Hamilton was awarded the gold medal in the individual time trial. The Athens Games, however, were also the event at which WADA first used a new method of testing for homologous blood doping, the re-injection of red blood cells from another person.

Hamilton, like other Olympic competitors, submitted a blood sample in advance of competition. Subsequent tests showed the presence of a secondary population of red blood cells that responded differently to the presence of antibodies than did the cells that represented the majority of his sample.

Remarkably, the new test was accompanied by a testing protocol that noted that the presence of a secondary population would count as a positive doping test only if those cells constituted more than five percent of the athlete’s sample. As a result, Hamilton’s sample – despite displaying indications of a secondary population – was treated as a negative.

The decision triggered a furious debate between lab officials and representatives of WADA who argued that the presence of any foreign cells constituted a violation. Ultimately, WADA emerged the victor in the argument, but by then Hamilton’s B sample had been stored in a freezer, destroying the cells and precluding a required follow-up test for confirmation of the initial result.

Since Hamilton was effectively cleared of a doping violation at the Olympics, WADA rules did not require that he be notified. As a result, Hamilton entered the 2004 Vuelta a España without the threat of an ongoing doping investigation hanging over his head.

Hamilton won the stage 8 individual time trial at the Vuelta and again provided a blood sample. Test results showed the presence of a secondary population of red blood cells – albeit at levels even lower than in Athens – and Hamilton was notified of the result later that month. He withdrew from the race several days before news of the test results were made public.

Hamilton insisted on his innocence and vowed to fight the case, hiring Los Angeles attorney Howard Jacobs in advance of his first hearing before a three-member arbitration panel in the United States. He lost on a two-one split decision and was suspended for two years.

Hamilton then appealed his suspension to the International Court of Arbitration for Sport, where he lost in a unanimous decision. Although he has never confirmed the total cost of litigating the case, sources have estimated that Hamilton spent nearly $1 million in legal fees in that effort.

His suspension ended in September of 2006. He subsequently signed a contract with the Russian-sponsored Tinkoff team for the 2007 season, but that relationship ended ahead of that year’s Giro d’Italia. Despite advanced knowledge that Hamilton had been implicated in Spain’s ongoing Operación Puerto case when it hired him, the team faced appeared to succumb to criticism over its decision to place him on its Giro roster. Days before the Italian tour began, Tinkoff removed Hamilton — and Germans Jörg Jacksche and Danilo Hondo — from its roster. Neither man ever rode for Tinkoff again. Hamilton has never been charged in connection with the Puerto investigation, although Jacksche has since publicly confessed to his involvement in the matter.

Hamilton then signed on with the U.S.-based Rock Racing team, with plans to compete in the 2008 Amgen Tour of California. He and two other members of the team were, however, barred from the race by organizers who cited the trio’s possible involvement in the Puerto case as reason for their exclusion.

Hamilton, however, continued to compete throughout the 2008 season, capping off the year with a win in the U.S. professional road race championships in Greenville, South Carolina, in August.

On Friday, Hamilton noted it was simply no longer possible to continue racing and attempt to deal with his ongoing struggle with depression. While announcing his intention to retire, Hamilton noted that he is aware that the case will continue to be handled by USADA.

"My future in the sport is yet to be determined,” he said “I'll live with that. I have officially retired right now."

Geplaatst: 19 apr 2009 22:58
door paulusr3
Wat moeten we hier dan weer van denken.... ... Matschiner

Als je daarbij bedenkt hoe sterk die mannen tijdens de tour van 2007 in dienst van rasmussen reden..?? 1+1 = 2 zou ik (helaas) zeggen.

Geplaatst: 19 apr 2009 23:11
door timper
paulusR3 schreef:Wat moeten we hier dan weer van denken.... ... Matschiner

Als je daarbij bedenkt hoe sterk die mannen tijdens de tour van 2007 in dienst van rasmussen reden..?? 1+1 = 2 zou ik (helaas) zeggen.

Zouden die 'roddels' van vorig jaar dan toch kloppen, toen verteld werd dat rabo in Wenen behandeld werd met bloeddoping? Ik hoop dat het enkelingen zijn en geen georganiseerd systeem.