Winderigheid bij fietsers
Geplaatst: 25 mar 2005 14:22
Voor mij ligt een artikel van ene Scott Martin die een verhandeling houdt over het produceren van winden door fietsers en de oorzaken ervan. Het is te lang om alles hier te citeren maar een paar regeltjes in het Engels zijn toch wel grappig.
Flatulence, Passing gas. Breaking wind. Sparking. Tooting. Pooting. Ripping one. Cutting the cheese.Stepping on a duck. Talking with the wrong mouth. A fart by any other name definitely doesn´t smell any sweeter, as Shakespeare might´ve written on a bad day. But no matter what you call it, intestinal gas is a problem for many cyclists. Not that there is definite study of this, but anybody who hangs around bike riders knows they----uh, we ----- seem to harvest more than our fair share of raspberries.
Er volgt nog een behoorlijk stuk over hoe vaak een wind laten per dag normaal is :13 plus of min 4. (lijkt mij rijkelijk veel!) Dan : But even if you backfire more than average, it's important to remember that in most cases this is not a medical problem, just a social. ( Dat vast voor de 29ste !)
Er worden een aantal oorzaken vermeld zoals : Ingeslikte lucht,niet volledig verteerd voedsel. Verder:
The real culprit, though, is intestinal gas. As what's left of your dinner passes through the large intestines, bacteria there snack on anything that wasn't digested earlier. This feast produces several gases that result in bowel buglers. About 99% in intestinal gases consist of 5 odorless chemicals: Nitrogen, oxygen,carbon dioxide, hydrogen and---in 1 person out of 3 ----methane. ( Methane says Harvard Medical School's health newsletter , is "the magic ingredient that makes flatus burn blue when lit---a well known phenomenon in college dormitories and militairy barracks") The smell comes from the other 1% of the gases which includes hydrogen sufide, ammonia, indole and skatole. Most of what reaches the large intestine are sugars, starches and fibers that comprise carbo hydrates. If you eat a lot of fiber-rich complex carbo, you'll get a lot of gas. This probably explains why cyclists are so closely linked with sphincter breezes. Just a glance at a list of some of the food that can cause excessive gas: Beans,bananas,apricots,raisins,whole-wheat bread, bran cereals and muffins, wheat germ, hagels, pretzels........ looks a lot like the recommended menue for endurance athletes such as cyclists!
Enfin, er zit nog een A4tje vol met info en advies, teveel om over te typen. Er zijn ook lieden geweest die geld verdienden met winden laten zoals Joseph Pujol die de bijnaam Le Petomane had ( de schetenlater) had. In de 19de eeuw vertoonde hij zijn "schone kunsten "in Parijs waarbij hij kaarsen "uitblies "die 60 cm verop stonden en zijn immitaties van donderslagen, kanonschoten en de' kleermaker' die 2 meter katoen doormidden scheurt.
Dus beste forummers, als je de 29ste van de partij bent, let ff op wat je eet!
Flatulence, Passing gas. Breaking wind. Sparking. Tooting. Pooting. Ripping one. Cutting the cheese.Stepping on a duck. Talking with the wrong mouth. A fart by any other name definitely doesn´t smell any sweeter, as Shakespeare might´ve written on a bad day. But no matter what you call it, intestinal gas is a problem for many cyclists. Not that there is definite study of this, but anybody who hangs around bike riders knows they----uh, we ----- seem to harvest more than our fair share of raspberries.
Er volgt nog een behoorlijk stuk over hoe vaak een wind laten per dag normaal is :13 plus of min 4. (lijkt mij rijkelijk veel!) Dan : But even if you backfire more than average, it's important to remember that in most cases this is not a medical problem, just a social. ( Dat vast voor de 29ste !)
Er worden een aantal oorzaken vermeld zoals : Ingeslikte lucht,niet volledig verteerd voedsel. Verder:
The real culprit, though, is intestinal gas. As what's left of your dinner passes through the large intestines, bacteria there snack on anything that wasn't digested earlier. This feast produces several gases that result in bowel buglers. About 99% in intestinal gases consist of 5 odorless chemicals: Nitrogen, oxygen,carbon dioxide, hydrogen and---in 1 person out of 3 ----methane. ( Methane says Harvard Medical School's health newsletter , is "the magic ingredient that makes flatus burn blue when lit---a well known phenomenon in college dormitories and militairy barracks") The smell comes from the other 1% of the gases which includes hydrogen sufide, ammonia, indole and skatole. Most of what reaches the large intestine are sugars, starches and fibers that comprise carbo hydrates. If you eat a lot of fiber-rich complex carbo, you'll get a lot of gas. This probably explains why cyclists are so closely linked with sphincter breezes. Just a glance at a list of some of the food that can cause excessive gas: Beans,bananas,apricots,raisins,whole-wheat bread, bran cereals and muffins, wheat germ, hagels, pretzels........ looks a lot like the recommended menue for endurance athletes such as cyclists!
Enfin, er zit nog een A4tje vol met info en advies, teveel om over te typen. Er zijn ook lieden geweest die geld verdienden met winden laten zoals Joseph Pujol die de bijnaam Le Petomane had ( de schetenlater) had. In de 19de eeuw vertoonde hij zijn "schone kunsten "in Parijs waarbij hij kaarsen "uitblies "die 60 cm verop stonden en zijn immitaties van donderslagen, kanonschoten en de' kleermaker' die 2 meter katoen doormidden scheurt.
Dus beste forummers, als je de 29ste van de partij bent, let ff op wat je eet!