Strava kosten gestegen?
Totdat je daarvoor kudo's krijgt

Drali Onice - Wilier Gran Turismo - http://www.dvn.nl/
Kreeg ook de nieuwe rekening, sta ik blijkbaar op USA (79.99 US$), en da's dus bijna 75€ terwijl de NL prijs op 69.99 € staat.
Helemaal over de zeik, dus DC Rainmakers tabel erbij gepakt, met de zakelijke VPN door heel de EU gebladerd en jawel, in Polen staat ie op 149.99 ZTL (ongeveer 35€)
Toen de site van de EU gevonden (met dank aan artikel van DC Rainmaker):
https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/c ... dex_en.htm
Daar staat dat price discrimination binnen de EU dus NIET mag
Price discrimination is not allowed
As an EU national, a trader cannot charge you more when you buy a product or service just because of your nationality or country of residence. Some price differences can be justified if they're based on objective criteria and not just on nationality. For example, differing postage costs may mean you pay more for delivery in one country than in another. However, traders may still set different net sale prices in different points of sale, such as shops and websites, or may target specific offers only to a specific territory within a Member State. Under EU rules, all these offers must be accessible for consumers from other EU countries.
However, there is no possible justification for differences in access to goods or services for customers from different EU countries in the following three situations:
sale of goods without physical delivery – for example, if you buy something online that you will collect from a shop, rather than have it delivered to your home
sale of electronically supplied services (excluding copyright protected content) – such as cloud computing services, or website hosting
sale of services provided in a specific location – for example hotel bookings, car hire, tickets for entry to theme parks
Where a trader has several country versions of the same website, such as a webshop selling products to different countries across the EU, you should be able to choose to view which version you visit. You must give your permission to be redirected to a specific country version of the website. You should also be able to change your choice at any time.
Heb een support case aangemaakt bij Strava, ben benieuwd hoe ze zich daar uit gaan kletsen
Helemaal over de zeik, dus DC Rainmakers tabel erbij gepakt, met de zakelijke VPN door heel de EU gebladerd en jawel, in Polen staat ie op 149.99 ZTL (ongeveer 35€)
Toen de site van de EU gevonden (met dank aan artikel van DC Rainmaker):
https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/c ... dex_en.htm
Daar staat dat price discrimination binnen de EU dus NIET mag
Price discrimination is not allowed
As an EU national, a trader cannot charge you more when you buy a product or service just because of your nationality or country of residence. Some price differences can be justified if they're based on objective criteria and not just on nationality. For example, differing postage costs may mean you pay more for delivery in one country than in another. However, traders may still set different net sale prices in different points of sale, such as shops and websites, or may target specific offers only to a specific territory within a Member State. Under EU rules, all these offers must be accessible for consumers from other EU countries.
However, there is no possible justification for differences in access to goods or services for customers from different EU countries in the following three situations:
sale of goods without physical delivery – for example, if you buy something online that you will collect from a shop, rather than have it delivered to your home
sale of electronically supplied services (excluding copyright protected content) – such as cloud computing services, or website hosting
sale of services provided in a specific location – for example hotel bookings, car hire, tickets for entry to theme parks
Where a trader has several country versions of the same website, such as a webshop selling products to different countries across the EU, you should be able to choose to view which version you visit. You must give your permission to be redirected to a specific country version of the website. You should also be able to change your choice at any time.
Heb een support case aangemaakt bij Strava, ben benieuwd hoe ze zich daar uit gaan kletsen
Canyon's in 2XL: Aeroad CF SLX '24, Ultimate CF SL '18, AL SLX '18 & Grail2 CF SL '24
Nou, slecht nieuws, vooral een 'blablabla' voorgekouwt antwoord gekregen, oftewel, we doen er niks aan:
Hans (Help Center)
Jun 8, 2023, 9:15 PM MDT
Hello ...........,
Thank you for reaching out about the recent changes to our subscription prices. Prior to rolling out any new pricing structure, our legal team ensures that we comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to pricing.
Operating a global business can mean athlete experiences may differ in some ways. In the case of pricing, we took into account that what might seem affordable in one country could feel very cheap or very expensive to someone in another country. We worked hard to get to a good outcome, realizing there is no easy and obvious way to do it that will seem right or optimal to everyone, and we know we could have explained this better.
Regardless, we are continually evolving our product and we appreciate you reaching out to share your feedback on our product and your experience.
Strava Support Team
Hans (Help Center)
Jun 8, 2023, 9:15 PM MDT
Hello ...........,
Thank you for reaching out about the recent changes to our subscription prices. Prior to rolling out any new pricing structure, our legal team ensures that we comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to pricing.
Operating a global business can mean athlete experiences may differ in some ways. In the case of pricing, we took into account that what might seem affordable in one country could feel very cheap or very expensive to someone in another country. We worked hard to get to a good outcome, realizing there is no easy and obvious way to do it that will seem right or optimal to everyone, and we know we could have explained this better.
Regardless, we are continually evolving our product and we appreciate you reaching out to share your feedback on our product and your experience.
Strava Support Team
Canyon's in 2XL: Aeroad CF SLX '24, Ultimate CF SL '18, AL SLX '18 & Grail2 CF SL '24
- MarkVeenstra
- Forum-lid HC
- Berichten: 6262
- Lid geworden op: 13 jun 2013 15:05
- Locatie: Delft
Tja, en er is niemand dor voor een tientjes verschil oid (tussen E landen) , een rechtzaak zal starten. Hooguit dat een aantal mensen hun abonnement gaan stopzetten.
Dus ze zullen er nog best aardig mee weg komen vermoed ik zo.
Dus ze zullen er nog best aardig mee weg komen vermoed ik zo.
WIND allrounder custom build 2015
Canyon Ultimate AL 2013
Canyon Ultimate AL 2013